Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcer

Ulcer is kind of sore which and cause pain and it appears inside the mouth. Mostly they are in red or yellow. These are different from the sore that appears on the outer lip through virus. Mainly ulcer appears when you bit your cheek or tongue this can also appear when you have poorly fitted dentures. These ulcers are known as traumatic ulcer. If you are having several ulcers and they and they are not being cured from long period of time than that is known as recurrent aphthous stomatitis. It’s a myth that ulcer and be caused by kissing, or by sharing drinks and utensils.

 Types of recurrent mouth ulcer: 

Most common ulcers are minor ulcer. These appears inside the mouth like inside cheeks, tongue, gum it also appears on the roof of the mouth but that is very rare. Size of this type of ulcer is more likely to be size of the top of the pencil. It can appear 4-6 at a time.

Whereas large ulcers take longer time to heal. If you are having ulcer from last 3 weeks you should meet your dentist immediately. Sometime this type of ulcer appears near the tonsils and it is more painful at the time of eating and drinking.

It has also been seen that some ulcer appears 100 at a times in very small size, these are very painful and last for 1 to 2 weeks however these ulcers are very rare.

Rare causes of mouth ulcer

Ulcer are caused through infections. Herpes simplex virus(HSV) often cause ulcer to children and sometimes in adults. There are many bacterial and viral infection that can also cause ulcer, but it is not so common. Mouth ulcer is also caused due to some blood disorder, skin disease and it can even cause by anaemia or some gastrointestinal diseases.

Cancer and Mouth Ulcer

Sometimes mouth cancer appears as a mouth ulcer initially. Ulcers due to mouth cancer is mostly single and last for longer period. Ulcer that last longer than 3 weeks can be a mouth cancer so it you feel such things you should immediately meet your dentist. These types of ulcer mainly appear on or under the tongue. Heavy smoking and drinking or doing both together increase the risk for getting mouth cancer.

We can reduce the risk of getting mouth ulcer by taking care of few things:
  •          Keep your mouth clean and healthy and maintain oral hygiene.
  •          Use of good quality tooth brush so that your mouth did not get damaged.
  •          Take food which is rich in vitamin A, C and E with fresh fruit and vegetables.
  •           Regular visit of dentist.


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