Smile is the most attractive part of the face, it also expresses your health as well as success. So, it is very important to know the fact weather you are happy with your smile  Cosmeticdentistry brings that positive change in your teeth which make your smile more confident and beautiful. Skilled and experienced dentist can make you smile perfect and can build your confidence and self-esteem.
Your dentist is having many techniques with, which he makes your smile more beautiful, and the treatment will also be affordable than you think.
These are some of the things your dentist will do to change your smile are:

Teeth Whitening:
It is the simplest and the very less expansive way to make your smile beautiful, teeth can be bleached by your dentist or you can do this at your home by getting whitening toothpastes, rinses, and whitestrips.

Dental Veneers:
Dental veneer is a kind of very thin shell of tooth color resin which is use to cover the from surface of the tooth. These shells are cemented by removing half milli meter of enamel from the surface of the tooth, this changes the colour, shape, size and length of the teeth.

Dental Bonding:
It is a tooth color soft resin which is made of durable plastic material, this material is applied on the teeth and since the material is soft it is harden by UV or laser light, bonding the material to the tooth. After that the dentist with trim and give particular shape to the tooth and then polish. It can also repair decay, cracked tooth. This can also be used to replace amalgam filling.

Dental Crown:
Dental crown is like a cap that fits on the tooth which is decayed and damage through with we can restore the size, shape and strength. Through crown we can also protect weak tooth from breaking and keep your cracked tooth together. Caps can be made up of metal, porcelain mixed with metal, resin, or ceramic.


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