Food for Healthy Teeth


It is very important to maintain healthy diet for your overall health and for oral health. Food you eat and beverage you drink comes in contact of your teeth. Food which are sugary, processed food and drinks that are highly acidic can damage your tooth enamel, which can cause cavity in your tooth. So, it is very important to maintain healthy diet.
With the help of healthy diet, you will be able to reduce the risk of enamel erosion and cavity and can keep your smile healthier. Following this diet can help you improve your oral health and which can also improve your overall health.

1.    Skip Sweet: It is very important to take sugary food in a limit which does only means limiting candies, cake etc. but it also mean sodas and some energy drink. So, it is very important to monitor the sugar content you are taking every day.

2.    Non Stick Food: Food such as raisins, honey etc. and also food which contain starch such as bread, potato chips can stuck on the teeth and can increase the risk of cavity. Is not like you should avoid it totally rather you can take in small quantity, but you should not forget to brush your teeth and floss it properly

3.    Acidic Food in Control: Food like tomato, oranges, lemon etc. are important part of healthy diet. Food which contain citric acid and all other type of acid can affect your tooth enamel. One should not avoid eating them because they are healthy, but they should take them with meal so that it can harm less.

4.   Protect your Teeth from Staining Food: Some foods like coffee, tea red wine can make stain on your teeth due to the presence of color pigment named chromogens, which get attached to the teeth and form stain tooth enamel. So after enjoying your morning tea and wine in glass of wine in dinner you should drink lots of water so that the teeth got rinsed

5.    Avoid Inflammatory Food: Food such as junk food should be avoided because it can increase the probability of getting gum disease.

6.    Take Enough Calcium: People have calcium less in their body can easily develop gum disease. For an adult minimum 1k to 3k milligram of calcium is required. Only taking milk is not enough one should also take the food which has high calcium which include almonds, beans etc.


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