Restorative Dentistry: Oral Health Meet 2018

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry is the combination of, management of problems associated with oral health and restoring function of the mouth and get back your beautiful and confident smile. Nowadays general dentist is also performing many procedures without any additional qualification and certification. Mostly it depends on the difficulty level of the procedure or the dentists are comfortable with the procedure or not. Many processes of restorative dentistry are done by prosthodontics which include filling, veneers, crown, bridges and some part of dental implant.

Sometimes restorative dentistry is referred as prosthodontic dentistry. Our main aim is to prevent our natural teeth as much as possible by doing such things like replacing missing teeth by dental implant process, applying bridge or by applying full or partial denture makes your smile more confident. Filling is the process which stops cavity. So that is wont spread in the neighboring teeth, filling should also be done because odd gaps can become the place to develop plague causing bacteria.

While taking decision restorative dentistry, one should consider both factors i.e., physical factor and budget. Dentists which involves restorative dentistry tries to preserve the natural teeth before restoring to denture whether full or partial so that the patient do not face any problem such as removing and cleaning the devices but also in some cases dentures are better option if you are having missing teeth if you cannot do dental implant due to some reasons.

There are variety for restorative dentistry, there are options to fix your dental problems such as decay teeth, damaged teeth, missing teeth. There are 2 types of dental restoration:


In direct restoration the filling is done into the prepared tooth cavity, directly. This process can be done in first visit. Dentist chooses the type of filling to be used with Is decided based on location of the filling and the type of problem.


Indirect restoration is the replacement of the tooth in the form of crowns, Onlays or inlays. Crown covers whole chewing surface of the tooth whereas inlays lies within the cusps and onlays covers cusp tips including the chewing portion. Indirect tooth restoration cannot be done in one meeting. Some prefer gold for inlays, but some of them are concerned about their white teeth, so at that time tooth color composite resins are used.


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