Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

TMJ Disorder:


TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) is the jaw muscles and the joints which help in opening and closing of the mouth. It is located on both the sides of the head. It works together whenever you speak or chew. It also controls the lower jaw when it moves forward, backward and when it move side by side.
TMJ Disorder causes pain in the jaw joint in and the muscles that controls the movement of the mouth. Exact reason for the TMJ disorder is very difficult to determine. The pain can be due to the genetics, arthritis and can also due to jaw pain. In most of the case pain is temporary and we can be relieved by taking care of that or by nonsurgical treatment. In this case surgery is the last option when all the measures are failed.

Possible causes of TMJ disorders include:

·         arthritis
·         dislocation of Jaw
·         jaw injury
·         tooth and jaw alignment
·         teeth grinding


·         Pain in the jaw.
·         Pain in one or both temporomandibular joints.
·         Pain around the ear.
·         Pain while eating.
·         It became difficult to open or close mouth.
·         clicking sound open your mouth while eating

treating TMJ disorders, which includes:
  •          eating softer foods
  •          avoiding chewing gum
  •          avoid biting your nails
  •          modifying the pain with heat packs
  •          practicing techniques to control jaw pain
  •          exercises to strengthen your jaw muscles
  •          follow the medications given by your dentist;


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