
Showing posts from June, 2018

Dentistry for Older Adults

Dentistry for Older Adults:                  It doesn’t matter what is your we show follow only one thing preservation is the key to your health, and this is also applies to oral health. If you know what the problem is, we can treat that at very early stage. In old people we can see the main problem is cavity and dry mouth. Dry mouth is very common in older adults. It is nothing but the side effect of the medicines they take. This is only one reason which we should tell our dentist rather than ignoring them. Many adults are having periodontal disease, which occurs due to the bacteria of plaque due to which gum become red, it gets swollen and more likely to bleed. For long time if it is kept untreated, it starts pulling away from the teeth due to this a large gap is created in which any type of food particle will get collected and it can be more dangerous. So, one should meet the dentist even in old ages because gum dise...

Restorative Dentistry: Oral Health Meet 2018

Restorative Dentistry Restorative dentistry is the combination of, management of problems associated with oral health and restoring function of the mouth and get back your beautiful and confident smile. Nowadays general dentist is also performing many procedures without any additional qualification and certification. Mostly it depends on the difficulty level of the procedure or the dentists are comfortable with the procedure or not. Many processes of restorative dentistry are done by prosthodontics which include filling, veneers, crown, bridges and some part of dental implant. Sometimes restorative dentistry is referred as prosthodontic dentistry . Our main aim is to prevent our natural teeth as much as possible by doing such things like replacing missing teeth by dental implant process, applying bridge or by applying full or partial denture makes your smile more confident. Filling is the process which stops cavity. So that is wont spread in the neighboring teeth, fil...


COSMETIC DENTISTRY Smile is the most attractive part of the face, it also expresses your health as well as success. So, it is very important to know the fact weather you are happy with your smile   Cosmeticdentistry brings that positive change in your teeth which make your smile more confident and beautiful. Skilled and experienced dentist can make you smile perfect and can build your confidence and self-esteem. Your dentist is having many techniques with, which he makes your smile more beautiful, and the treatment will also be affordable than you think. These are some of the things your dentist will do to change your smile are: Teeth Whitening: It is the simplest and the very less expansive way to make your smile beautiful, teeth can be bleached by your dentist or you can do this at your home by getting whitening toothpastes , rinses, and whitestrips. Dental Veneers: Dental veneer is a kind of very thin shell of tooth color resin which is use to cover ...

Food for Healthy Teeth

HEALTHY TEETH EVERYDAY It is very important to maintain healthy diet for your overall health and for oral health . Food you eat and beverage you drink comes in contact of your teeth. Food which are sugary, processed food and drinks that are highly acidic can damage your tooth enamel, which can cause cavity in your tooth. So, it is very important to maintain healthy diet. With the help of healthy diet, you will be able to reduce the risk of enamel erosion and cavity and can keep your smile healthier. Following this diet can help you improve your oral health and which can also improve your overall health. 1.      Skip Sweet: It is very important to take sugary food in a limit which does only means limiting candies, cake etc. but it also mean sodas and some energy drink. So, it is very important to monitor the sugar content you are taking every day. 2.      Non Stick Food: Food such as raisins, honey etc. and also food which contain starch ...

Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcer Ulcer is kind of sore which and cause pain and it appears inside the mouth. Mostly they are in red or yellow. These are different from the sore that appears on the outer lip through virus. Mainly ulcer appears when you bit your cheek or tongue this can also appear when you have poorly fitted dentures. These ulcers are known as traumatic ulcer . If you are having several ulcers and they and they are not being cured from long period of time than that is known as recurrent aphthous stomatitis . It’s a myth that ulcer and be caused by kissing, or by sharing drinks and utensils .   Types of recurrent mouth ulcer:   Most common ulcers are minor ulcer. These appears inside the mouth like inside cheeks, tongue, gum it also appears on the roof of the mouth but that is very rare. Size of this type of ulcer is more likely to be size of the top of the pencil. It can appear 4-6 at a time. Whereas large ulcers take longer time to heal. If you are having u...